Critical Mass DC June Video Reportback

On the 27th of June, over 50 riders showed up for Critical Mass DC. This ride was less than a week after the Solstice, so the first half way in daylight even with an 8PM start time on the last Friday of every month.

Right out of the gate the ride went West on Mass Ave and turned into hill country by the Mosque. At that point the best climbers cranked up the pace, it was a 100% effort for me to keep up. Once that topped out and recrossed Connecticut Ave, there were no more segments where I had any trouble at all keeping up. The midpoint of the ride was a stopover at McPherson Square, the old home of Occupy DC. The second half of the ride departed in darkness, heading past the US Crapitol and Union Station before ending at a bar less than a block from the building formerly occupied by Cafe Mawanaj.

Video of the June Critical Mass ride

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