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8 Responses to About

  1. Gillian Waldo says:

    Dear DC Action News,

    I’m working on the film Sollers Point written and directed by Matt Porterfield. We are currently in pre-production for this independent film in Baltimore, and we were hoping to get clearance from the DC Action Network to use news footage from your organization in the background of scenes in the film.
    Here’s a little blurb about the film and its writer/director
    Sollers Point is a feature length independent film about a young man’s re-entry into society in a struggling community. The lead role of Keith will be played by McCaul Lombardi, and his father and housemate will be played by Jim Belushi.
    Do you think this is something you’d be interested in helping us with? We’d love to feature your news footage.

    Thanks so much,
    Gillian Waldo

    • dcdirectactionnews says:

      You are free to use the footage, all out original material is hereby placed in the public domain. We are not able to proivde signed contracts etc as the security requirements of our work forbid the use of legal names, addresses etc. As long as thats OK with you feel free to use it in the film. If you are worried about proof of rights screenshot this comment and save it with your legal materials.

  2. Jonah Tobias says:

    Hi, I am also working on a film about the first amendment. I’d like to use some of your Charlottesville footage I found on the internet archive. Is it safe to assume that is also in the public domain?

    • dcdirectactionnews says:

      You are most welcome to use any of my own footage. Note that some 3ed party clips (notably of the car attack) appear in some of the Cville stuff and I cannot vouch for 3ed party copyrights. The car attack footage had orginally been posted by someone else to Liveleak.com, which no longer exists as that site has been shut down.

      Note that the reason new articles no longer appear here is that at least this version of wordpress has become impossible to post or edit articles with secured browsers that block 3ed party ad networks, trackers, and all of Google. Apparently comments still work at least

  3. Anonymous says:

    Dear DC Action News,
    I’m working for a production company focused on creating films with impact. We are currently working on a short film featuring park ranger Betty Reid Soskin. I was hoping to obtain clearance from the DC Action Network to use part of your footage of the Ferguson protesters march on Georgetown (2014-11-29), found through Internet Archives here: https://archive.org/details/FergusonGtownMarch11292014540p. This footage will be used as Betty discusses past civil rights movement and current BLM protests. The film is not for commercial use.

    • dcdirectactionnews says:

      These are posted as public domain. For security reasons my legal name is never shared, thus I cannot provide licensing of anything beyond my statement that they are released as public domain material when published

  4. Dear DC Direct Action News representative,
    I work for a production company focused on creating movies with impact about social and environmental issues. We are currently working on a short film with park ranger Betty Reid Soskin. I was hoping to obtain clearance from DC Direct Action News to use part of your footage entitled “Ferguson protesters march on Georgetown” from 2014-11-29, found via Internet Archives here: https://archive.org/details/FergusonGtownMarch11292014540p. The footage will be featured as Betty discusses civil rights movements and current BLM protests, and the film is not for commercial purposes.
    Please let me know how we might proceed with the licensing rights. Thank you!
    Best wishes,
    Alexia Lafeuille

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